What Is Tadalafil ?
Tadalafil is a long-acting phosphodiesterase type-five inhibitor (PDE5-I), which is a class of drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis.
What is the dosage of Tadalafil and what is it for?
As a long-acting medication, tadalafil is taken once daily to produce desired effects on demand, but users often report several beneficial side effects that have recently led to further research on the drug.
What are the benefits of Tadalafil?
– Improved skeletal muscle function in men
In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who took tadalafil for four weeks reported improvements in their ability to generate force and power during exercise. The men also reported increased energy levels and improved recovery from exercise.
– Improved memory and attention
In addition to its benefits for muscle function, tadalafil has also been shown to improve cognitive function. In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, men with mild cognitive impairment who took tadalafil for six months reported improvements in their memory and attention. The men also showed increased activity in the brain regions responsible for executive function, which is the ability to plan, organize, and complete tasks.
– Increased Androgen Receptor Density
In numerous studies Tadalafil has been shown to increase androgen receptor density in males. An increase in androgen receptor density is a great benefit for men being treated for low testosterone, with either enclomiphene citrate or testosterone replacement therapy. An increase in androgen receptor density increases the effect of androgens (testosterone and DHT) in the target tissues, such as the penis, skeletal muscle and brain. This effect makes tadalafil treatment synergistic with treatments for low testosterone, with the effect of each being enhanced by the effect of the other.
– Improved Hormonal Profile
Tadalafil acts an a mild aromatase inhibitor, helping to balance male hormone levels and prevent loss of testosterone to estrogen conversion. By blocking the conversion of testosterone into estrogen negative feedback at the pituitary gland is reduced and testosterone production is increased. This process leads to an enhanced male hormonal profile, and additional benefits that increase the effectiveness of tadalafil.
– Improved heart health
Tadalafil has also been shown to improve heart health. In a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, men with coronary artery disease had great improvements after taking this medication for eight weeks. The men reported improvements in their exercise tolerance and quality of life and also showed reduced levels of inflammation and oxidative stress.
– Improved prostate health
In addition to its benefits for heart health, tadalafil has also been shown to improve prostate health. In a study published in the Journal of Urology, this medication helped improve urinary symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
– Improved blood sugar levels
Finally, tadalafil has also been shown to improve blood sugar levels. In a study published in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, men with type-two diabetes who took tadalafil for eight weeks reported improvements in their glycemic control. The men also showed reduced levels of insulin resistance and inflammation.
Common Tadalafil side effects
Here are the side effects that you can feel by taking Tadalafil:
– headaches
– feeling week
– red or flushed face
– bad digestion
– stuffy nose
– muscle pain
Safety concerns for Tadalafil
Unlike other supplements, Tadalafil can be taken with or without food. It will not decrease its effectiveness. But there are a few rules to follow:
– Avoid eating high-fat foods
When you’re taking Tadalafil you should avoid high-fat food. It can decrease the absorption of the medication and how fast it will work.
– Avoid taking Tadalafil with alcohol
However heavy alcohol can make it difficult to achieve an erection even with Tadalafil.
If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, consider adding daily tadalafil to your routine!
Tadalafil has a variety of benefits for general health and wellness and is a safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Contact the Valhalla Vitality team today and ask whether tadalafil could be right for you!
For booking appointments:
Phone: +1 516 266 6186