B12 Therapy

$93.10$372.40 or subscribe and save 25%

B12 Therapy is a natural way to boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and help with other health issues.

10 mL Injectable Vial

This service requires a prescription from a Valhalla Vitality provider. To get started, please book your consultation.


Are you feeling tired and run down?

B12 Therapy is a natural way to boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and help with other health issues. B12 helps the body produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. It also helps with nerve function and can even help reduce stress levels.

B12 therapy has been used for years as an effective treatment for fatigue, depression, anxiety, anemia and more. With B12 therapy you can get back to feeling like yourself again in no time!

Visit our website today to learn more about B12 Therapy or book an appointment now!

If you’re ineligible to receive therapy or medications after consultation with Valhalla Vitality provider – you will be fully refunded!